 “I am so tired of waiting,” I told my Mom on the phone.

I’m trying to replace the pain that I’m feeling with anger but tears gently gushed and my chest can’t bear it no more. It‘s been five years since he left, it’s been five long years of waking up alone, having dinner on my own, sleeping without someone beside me. I don’t want to be that huge wall between him and his dreams so I didn’t pry in anymore when he told me he’s leaving for work. I was dismayed, but I’m happy for him. The first two years were good enough. He calls almost every day, he sends me post cards and latest gadgets but they cannot replace him. There was no chance of replacing him. The subsequent years concluded our doom—a bitter ending.

“Honey, if you love him you’ll wait for him,” my mother said comforting me.

“I do really love him. But— I did my part! I waited long enough! Long enough to leave him!” those words just came out of my mouth.

 “Calm down sweetie,” she said. “Why don’t you visit home this weekend? Your Grandma misses you.”

It’s been a while since I went home. I’ve been busy working for the last couple of years or perhaps, I’ve been busy forgetting him. It’s a 2-hour drive from my place to our home. As I steer my way, the summer breeze softly covered my face. My eyes gleamed as I relish the striking beauty of the view, finally, I’m home!

The noise of my car alarmed them. “She’s here!”

“Sweetie, you look thinner,” Mom said as she gives me a warm hug, “Have you not been eating much?”

“I work hard Mom,” I said while hugging her snugly than ever. “I missed you”

“Are you alright now?” she sounded worried.

“Better. Where’s Grandma?

I saw Grandma sitting at the patio as usual; she was reading her favourite book. For the longest time since I was a child, I never had the chance to ask her what that book was all about, until now.

“I’m here Grandma,” I said as I sit next to her. “You’re reading that book again. I always see you reading that since first grade.”

“You did?” she chuckled. “I have been reading this even longer.”

“It must be a great book then. What’s the story all about? How did it end?”

“I don’t know,” she simply said.

“How is that possible?” I was baffled,

“I haven’t finished it yet,” she said in her croaky voice.

“I’m so puzzled”

“I can’t finish it,” she replied, “Not until he comes back”


“The man I love,” she gazed me. “You look confused… let me tell you a story,” she continued. “My story”

I’ve never seen Grandma with such aura. She looked thrilled.

“Three decades ago,” she began. “When I was at your age, I was beautiful like you,” she chuckled again.

I smiled.  

“—I only loved one man”

“I don’t remember a thing about Grandpa,” I said openly. “What about him?”

“He left”

“He left for somebody else?” I asked her swiftly.

“No,” she paused. “He was a noble soldier. He chose to serve his country. But he promised it was his last”

I was surprised. I didn’t know Grandpa was a soldier.

“Before he left, he gave me this book. I still remember what he said before he left. ‘Promise me, my love, you won’t get tired of waiting... right before you start reading the last chapter I will be here’

                “I finished the 22nd chapter countless times, but he was nowhere,” she sighed.

                I was wordless for a moment.

                “You still wonder why I haven’t finished it?” she said smiling.

                I smiled back. I can sense the sorrow she feels.

                “I’ll never get tired of waiting,” her face smoulders with abiding hope as she stood firmly on her feet.         


I watched her feebly amble her way inside the house clutching close to her, the book—her hope.  

                For a minute or two, I sat there still. Grandma’s three decades of incessant hope hit me by that much, and then I realized something—something I should’ve realized long time ago. I took my smartphone out of my pocket and called him. My heart quivers as I hear the ringing.

                “Hello?” he said.

                Now I know what to say.

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